Taking a Breather

Sometimes I need to just . . . stop. 

{Deep breath in. Hold. Exhale.}

Especially in most recent days, after these most recent weeks, when my adrenaline had me pushing through my days at  record speeds. Sometimes, I need to just stop. 

Yesterday, I found a few hours to do just that. 

I layed out and welcomed the sun. I felt the rays as they bounced off of my skin. I listened to some great music. I splashed my kids, kissed my husband, and stopped . . . even if only for an hour or two. I recharged my battery. And I felt peace. 

{Deep breath in. Hold. Exhale.}

THAT was my happy place. 

Just moments ago, a dear friend just sent me this little quote through Facebook. 

“Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders.” 

The minute I read it, that same exact feeling of peace from yesterday came over me. It is what I needed at this very moment. 

It is so easy – to give in to the fear. To allow it to stop us from following a dream. 

I want to be one of those people – one of those who allows their spirit to guide them. 

{Deep breath in. Hold. Exhale.}

What guides you?

Does fear stop you from following your passions? 

I am so interested in this idea right now. 

I think I have always been guided by my head – or at least, by what my head thinks is right. Sometimes I think I am guided by being responsible, other times I think it is in doing what is comfortable, what is safe, what is familiar or what is expected. 

{Deep breath in. Hold. Exhale.}

“Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders.” 

{Deep breath in. Hold. Exhale.}

May you allow your spirit to lead you, dear friends . . . in any direction you wish it to take you. 

WIshing you peace. 

Trusting the NOW

My mind has been moving a thousand miles a minute the past few weeks. In between the usuals of life (the work, the girlies, the family parties and gatherings, the orthodontists and doctor check ups, the running of a household and keeping of a job, and everything under the sun), I have spent countless hours right here . . . on my iPad or on my PC . . . working towards my dream.

Reading. Drafting business plans. Designing logos. Writing. Calculating. Talking. Envisioning. Phone calls. Back and forth and back again.

Truly . . . Countless hours.

That dream is even stronger than before.

You know the one . . . a creative space of my very own? The one my girls found for me a couple weeks ago? Yes, THAT dream.

OH, my friends, I have been working SO very hard at it.

And . . . we are getting so close, I can    a l m o s t    feel it.

In no random order, here are some thoughts that have come in and out of my mind the past few weeks (most of which take place on the hour, every hour):

  • I can do this.
  • Truly, I can. I am more capable of making this happen than my closest family members even think.
  • I can do it, because I think it truly is what I am meant to do with my life.
  • I have learned more about starting a business in the past three weeks than I realize.
  • I have great ideas – brilliant ideas, if I do say so myself 😉 – that I cannot wait to implement.
  • It is scary.
  • It is scary, like big time scary, to invest so much time and money (eh-hem, did I mention the money?) into yourself.
  • It is even scarier to ask a family member to invest in you.
  • It is MY time.
  • I have given a lot, and sacrificed a lot for my husband and my kids. I wouldn’t change a thing – but right now, I feel like it is MY TIME to do it.
  • People can be assholes.
  • When sharing my dream with a select few, some may not react the way I think they will. OR, some may react exactly as I expect them to. Maybe that is the real lesson.
  • However people react, I cannot let that mess with my mind – with my vision – with my goal.
  • GRATITUDE is what I must remember.
  • Gratitude for where I am.
  • Gratitude for where I am going.
  • Gratitude for the believers.
  • Because I can do this.
  • Truly.
  • I can do this.

The next few weeks will be big ones, when final decisions will need to be made. Feel free to throw any special juju you may have out into the universe for me, dear friends.

I will gladly accept it.

And please know that your belief in me carries more strength than you could even imagine.

As always, I bid you peace.